Price Match +5 Guarantee

Price Match Guarantee

BatRolling4u, LLC is the nations TOP Rated Bat Rolling or Shaving company.

We are so confident in our quality and pricing that we offer the industries 1st Price Match Plus 5 Guarantee. Our pricing is already very competitive but we do understand that you may from time to time come across lower pricing. Typically lower quality sites may just be trying to get a foothold in the market so they'll mark down their pricing to get your attention. This doesn't mean they will provide better services (actually in most cases they will provide low quality services). We know of just about every company that's offering Bat Rolling or Bat Shaving. Over our 17+ years we've seen MANY companies come and go because of their poor quality or even worse customer service.

We guarantee, to make every possible effort to meet or beat any advertised pricing on identical products and equal services. This DOES NOT include eBay, Craigslist or any other auction type sites. Only legitimate sellers or service providers are considered in this guarantee.

If you're see a product or service advertised by one of our competitors at a lower price simply Email Us with the webpage link and we will validate the pricing. We will match any qualifying product or service price plus an additional $5. This includes items on our site and those that currently are not listed.

Sincerely, BatRolling4u